GRS 4 Subsoiler

GR 4 Veles Agro Subsoiler

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*There is a state compensation program of 25%. The price is valid on the territory of Ukraine.

Subsoiler GRS-4 Veles-Agro

GRS Subsoiler is designed for loosening soil and subsurface depleted backgrounds with the deepening of the plow horizon, moldboard tillage instead of autumn and spring plowing and subsoiling on the slopes and fallow fields.
Subsoiler to plow used during seedbed preparation in the spring and in the main treatment for winter crops in the fall, stubble cereals and other crops after harvesting, including dlinnosteblevyh after preliminary peeling disk tools.
Subsoiler performs additional crushing topsoil, leveling the field surface and partial dlinnosteblevyh crushing plant residues. The system moldboard tillage deep tillage (chizelevanie) is an important process step, allowing the processed loosen compacted layer and destroy the lower horizons (plowing sole), increase the power of the root layer, to improve air, water and soil thermal regimes intensify biological processes accumulate soil moisture warn water and wind erosion.
GRS 4 Subsoiler more efficient and less energy-intensive, can reduce the cost of labor and fuel consumption per hectare, higher yields of crops.

The deep ripper is designed to lift all the soil through the full working depth of the ripper, this is because of the design of the tines, completely breaking any hard pans caused by previous cultivation and field traffic.

The machine is equipped with shear-bolt protection to the tines, these tines are 32 mm thick mounted to a massive frame of 150 mm X 100 mm X 10 mm RHS mounted on the rear is a large, spiked roller to crush clods and to level the surface.

Double roller. As an option, the subsoiler can be equipped with a double roller instead of the conventional single roller. As tests have shown, the use of a double roller has a number of advantages:
— improving the quality of rolling and grinding lumps;
— preventing clogging with crop residues;
— the ability to work at higher humidity due to the self-cleaning of the rollers from sticking wet soil;
— more stable operation of the rollers due to the tandem.
