SZM Nika 6 Seed drill

Article: SZM 6

Nika 6 Box seed drill of Veles Agro

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*There is a state compensation program of 25%. The price is valid on the territory of Ukraine.

Сеялка зерновая механическая СЗМ Ника-6 Велес АгроСеялка зерновая механическая Ника-6 Велес Агро Зерновой бункер сеялки Ника-6 Открытый зерновой бункер сеялки Ника-6 Открытый бункер сеялки с высевающими аппаратами Ника-6 Бункер сеялки Ника-6 Бункер сеялки СЗМ Ника-6 Бункер зерновой сеялки СЗМ Ника-6 Регулировка высевающих аппаратов сеялки Ника-6 Высевающие аппараты сеялки Ника-6 Крепление высевающих аппаратов к сеялке Ника-6 Вал высева сеялки Ника-6 Цепочная передача коробки высева Коробка регулировки высева семян сеялки Ника-6 Храповик коробки регулировки высева семян сеялки Ника-6 Мелкосемянный высев сеялки Ника-6 Мелкосемянный бункер сеялки НИКА-6 Мелкосемянный высевающий аппарат сеялки Ника-6 Мелкосеменной высевающий аппарат зерновой сеялки Ника-6 Мелкосеменной аппарат на сеялке Ника-6 Соединение мелкосемянного аппарата сеялки Ника-6Семенные трубки сошника сеялки Ника-6 Борирорванные сошники сеялки Ника-6 Сошники сеялки Ника-6 Приводное колесо сеялки Ника-6 Смещенные сошники сеялки Ника-6 Прикатывающие колеса сеялки Ника-6

Auxiliary equipment for box seed drill:

System seeding small-seeded crops МS-6 SZM-6
Control system SKV-6m SZM-6
Direct sowing attachment for grain seeders SZM-6

SZM Nika 6 Box Seed drill . In applying the resource-saving technologies, sowing of most crops is produced after minimum tillage disc plows.
For aggregation, it is recommended to use the tractor drawbar category — 3.0

In order to receive uniform and powerful shoots arises the need to choose universal drills, which at the minimum cost of labor for seeding depth reconfiguration would be able to provide the finest sowing of a wide range of planting crops. After examining the modern direction of foreign seeding equipment, LLC «Veles-Agro LTD.» has developed a new series of mechanical SZM seeders designed for in-line sowing method of grain, herbs, vegetables, mixtures of legumes, technical and other crops at minimum tillage, with effort coulter pressure from 80 to 120 kg and compacting system of seed.

Time-tested reel seed metering system in a series of drills SPM is improved with the latest technology parts and surface treatment using high-strength and wear-resistant components in their manufacture. Through a combination of helical coils adjustment method on a given seeding rate and switching speeds gearbox, drill can be configured with a rate of micro sowing from 6 kg / ha, as well as rate of micro sowing up to 400 kg / ha, complemented by small seed tanker from 1 kg / ha to 40 kg / ha.

Speed control of drill sowing SZM Nika 4:

transmission speed seeding seed drills Nicka -4 Veles Agro

Seeder Manual for Nika 6 has two large hoppers — 1300 l seed and 525 liters for fertilizers, which create background for high performance and reduce the cost for additional drills loading during sowing. Moreover, when removing tanker partitions, grain tank capacity increases to 1825 liters.

To form an ideal seed bed the construction of offset allocation of opener disks is made, which protects it from clogging the stones. The first disc cuts a straight line sowing, cutting crop residues, and the second loosens the soil and prepares the seedbed.

Structure of the coulter for SZM Nika 4 grain drill:

Mechanical grain drills opener Nika SZM-4

The disc coulter drills of SZM Nika with double row antifrictional angular contact bearing of high resource 5205GP.

Диск сошника с двухрядным подшипником Диск сошника сеялки с двухрядным подшипником

The desired depth of seeding is achieved through the mechanism of compression springs, which in addition to the depth adjustment mechanism allow opener copy sown surface area. Located in the opener roller-regulating wheel support clearly manages seeding depth, provides seed contact with the soil needed for optimum moisture through the capillaries, forming a uniform germination and root system.

Unitization for drills with different types of tractor is provided with mounted or towed variants and longitudinal transport option allows you to carry SZM drills on public roads.

Result of turnips sowing, SZM Nika drill:

Посев репы сеялкой СЗМ Ника Всходы посева репы

Clearly visible shutter planting distance for the proper development of the plant. For this culture, this factor is very important, so SZM Nika mechanical grain drills is maximum suitable for even the most demanding planting crops.

Seed drills