12 august 2012
Lawmakers tabled very original bill under the number 10500, which refers to the raising of rates fixed tax for agricultural producers, processing more than 100 hectares. The future innovation would increase the current tax, neither more nor less — 7.7 times, ie, Now if the landowner pays for the lease of land of 0.15% of its normative value, with January 1, 2013 (the date of introduction of the tax), he will have to pay for it 1.15%.
Experts from the Association ASTP (Ukrainian Agribusiness Club) estimate that under this tax increase gets more than 20 million. Hectares of agricultural land, from which it can be concluded that 95% of agricultural land will be subject to Ukrainian almost eightfold tax, starting from next year.
The authors of this genius of the bill (Roman Tkach, Valery and Gregory Bezvenko Kalyetnik) suggest thus replenish local budgets, in addition to collecting agricultural tax in the amount of approximately 6 billion. UAH. It is especially interesting that in this case, as in the ASTP clarify, the deputies did not provide any analysis of the influence of the law on the activities themselves farmers.
According to the expert agricultural markets ASTP Roman Slastena, if the FAT still accept the new rates, many farmers will be forced to abandon the charitable financial assistance, which today is their social objects of rural infrastructure: kindergartens, hospitals, schools, etc. since they would have allocated funds to transfer as a tax to the state treasury. Moreover, as noted by the expert, the bill will provide the worsening of social problems in rural areas.
In conclusion, for reference: in the past year, according ASTP, social projects on rural farmers spent about 3 billion. UAH., Which certainly is a significant contribution to the development and improvement of living standards in rural areas. Willy-nilly, the question arises: who will do it now?