Company Veles-Agro has prepared a number of advantages over other cultivators KPG manufacturers in Europe and the CIS

17 march 2015

The company «Veles-Agro» has produced a number of structural advantages and comparisons between his technique and equipment from other manufacturers.

Культиватор КПГ Велес-Агро

Technical design comparisons were performed between cultivators KPG series production «Veles-Agro» cultivators and other European manufacturers and producers of the CIS countries.

Были вовлечены самые важные критерии сравнения, которые позволяют использовать культиваторы долгие годы:

— Welds;

— Durability details;

— The build quality;

— Construction aggregates;

— Adaptability to soil.

Agricultural business does not tolerate errors, because each landowner should know exactly what the unit is used and why.

This is why the company «Veles-Agro» has worked over and identify strengths and weaknesses in the use of popular cultivators.

Link to article comparing